Pricing Rule - Coupon Code based Error

Pricing rule is wrongly picked for the coupon code in Quotations.

Data Setup:

Pricing rule 1.
Valid from : 19 Aug 2021
Valid To: not defined
Applicable for Item groups: A & B
Discount Percent: 70%
Coupon Based: Coupon Code RULE1, Coupon Validity 20 Aug 2021 Till 31 Dec 2021

Pricing rule 2.
Valid from : 30 Mar 2022
Valid To: 30 Jun 2022
Applicable for Item groups: A
Discount Percent: 40%
Coupon Based: Coupon Code RULE2, Coupon Validity 30 Mar 2022 till 30 Jun 2022

Create Quote - Scenario 1

  1. Create a quotation for any Lead: Date (30 Mar 2022 till 30 Apr 2022)
  2. Add a item from item group A
  3. In the Additional discounts and Coupon section choose a coupon other than RULE2. Say RULE1

Expected Result: No pricing Rule should be applied as the validity of both pricing rule and coupon code were expired
Actual: Pricing Rule 1 is applied with 70% discount

Scenario 2
After the first scenario change the coupon code to actual one RULE2.

Expected: Pricing rule 1 should get applied
Actual: Pricing Rule 1 is applied with 70% discount