Pricing Rule for Cumulative Customer Sales

Need some guidance on setting up Pricing Rules for the following scenario:

A Customer qualifies for a Percent Discount on all Items belonging to specific Item Groups once Total Annual Sales of all Items in all Item Groups reaches a threshold amount.

I have created the following Pricing Rule and need clarification on Dynamic Conditions:

Pricing Rule: 2024 Distributor Discount (Pipe 4.0%)
Apply On: Transaction (Is Cumulative)
Discount: Price
Selling: Customer Group: Distributor Discount
Min Amt: 2,000000.01 Max Amt: 5,000,000.00
Valid From: 01/01/2024 Valid Upto: 12/31/2024
Discount Percentage: 4.0%
Apply Discount On: Net Total
Dynamic Condition: item_group == ‘Pipe - 12" - 36"’ or item_group == ‘Pipe - 42" - 144"’ or item_group == ‘Pipe - Elliptical Pipe’

For the Pricing Rule gurus out there, will this pricing rule track the Total Sales for a Discount Customer and apply the appropriate Discount to Items belonging to the Item Groups defined in the Dynamic Condition once Total Sales amount reaches the Min Amt value?

Thanks for your help.

Hi there,

To test the pricing rule, please set the minimum and maximum amounts within a test range (e.g., 50 to 500). Then, create some sample invoices with various test scenarios to verify if the rule is functioning as expected.


Divyesh Mangroliya