Pricing rules don't work with subscriptions

Hi guys,

pricing rules override item prices for certain customers, for example. But if I have automatically generated a sales invoice in the subscriptions, this pricing rule does not apply. Has anyone ever had this problem and has a solution?

Thanks in advance!

Meike Nedwidek
K&K Software AG

For everyone with the same problem, I overlooked the fact that there is a date in the price rule. From this date the price rule is valid.

Hi @meike, did Price Rule work for subscriptions?
It doesn’t work to me. I checked the date too, and it’s OK. It does work for invoices but it doesn’t in case of automatic subscription invoices.
Thanks in advance!

Hey @Irina_SB , sorry for the late answer. Yes, it works for me now. Unfortunately I don’t have an idea what the problem could be in your case…:thinking:

Hi @meike!
It’s working for me too.
Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

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