Print format for recuring invoices

How can I select a print format for a recurring invoice?
It always generates with the standart one, but I need to be able to select a different print format.

Thank you

@nabinhait ?

Can you add it as a feature request in Issues · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

@rmehta The issue is already there for this (Recurring Invoice Print Format · Issue #2925 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub)

This one is a good feature request. I am thinking to add a field for print format which can be selected in Recurring template.

We have a custom print format that checks is_recurring and prints differently based on its value. (But this requires that you have a custom print format for invoice)

What do you mean “checks is_recurring”?

If you define your own print format, then you can choose to print the invoice differently if it is recurring or not. In the jinja template write something like this:

{%- if doc.recurring -%}
    <h1>Recurring Invoice</h1>
    Start date: {{ doc.from_date }}
{%- endif -%}
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