Print General Ledger

Good day all,
I’ve tried to look in the printing options to where we could change the format of the A4 General Ledger print from “portrait” to “landscape” but without success. Then is it possible to change the width of the columns (leave more width for description, less for date and voucher #)

I have looked on the forum for something similar but couldn’t find any. Sorry if I have missed it.

I am on Frappecloud (so I believe my options are somehow more limited.)



In my opinion if you are looking to print all the columns available in General Ledger, then the current print format does not support that (it prints pre determined columns).

  1. You will have to design a print format of your own and define the column width there.
    Not Found
  2. You can export the Report data and print it using a spreadsheet application.

Thanks Ankit,
I’m not looking for all columns just a few of them.
I’m using the second option at the moment.
That said I would really love to learn how to create a print format that suits me without having to go through a spreadhsheet.

I’ve read the “Not Found” link. But I’m on, and I don’t see how to access these files in the folder of the query report.
Can we do that when we are on frappecloud or we are limited there?

Thanks in advance.

Sorry, currently customized print formats for report is not available in frappecloud interface.

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Could that be available in V5?