Print multiple Barcodes Labels in 1 page rather than 1 label per page

Hi @NCP , I wonder if you can help me with this.

I edited a print format using jinja html and css to generate a label for item which includes a barcode, item name, item code, supplier, … Everything works, however, when I go to print, I only can print 1 label per page. If I have 100 items, it will be printed in 100 pages. My label size is 29mm x 50mm , and that fits 36 labels (4 col x 9 rows) in letter size paper.

The print format of the item (item master) shows 1 label of 1 item:

But I would like to select the barcodes of different items in a warehouse and print in a sheet like this (please note that I want different barcodes, not multiple of the same barcode.)

Picture below shows same barcode multiple times, I just want to the upload picture to shows the 4 colx9rows. Please note I just use paint to copy paste, but I don’t know how to put the rows and columns.

Also I would like to print using the “FULL PAGE” button, not the “PDF” because once it is converted to PDF, the barcode will now show and will be missing (the script doesn’t run in PDF)

Can you help me?

So in summary:
1- I would like to print 49 different labels with barcodes in 1 sheet
2- I would like to be able to select the barcodes I want from the warehouse
3- The full page button works with the barcode, the PDF button removes the barcode because the script doesn’t run in PDF.

My current print format codes:


<div class="dashboard-section">
  <div class="box">
    <div id="barcode-label" class="barcode-label">
      <div class="label-item-name label-field">
          {{ doc.item_name }}
      <div class="label-item-price label-field">
          {{ frappe.get_doc('Item Price', item_code).price_list_rate }}
      {% if doc.barcodes %}
      <div class="label-item-code label-field">
       {{ doc.item_code  }}
       {% if doc.barcodes[1] %}
       {{ doc.barcodes[1].barcode }}
       {% endif %}
       <p style="font-family:'Helvetica' ; font-size:4px ; color:black">
       {% if doc.supplier_items[0] %}
       {{ frappe.get_doc('Supplier', doc.supplier_items[0].supplier ).supplier_abbreviation }}
       {% endif %}  
       {% if doc.supplier_items[1] %}
       {{ frappe.get_doc('Supplier', doc.supplier_items[1].supplier ).supplier_abbreviation }}
       {% endif %}  
       {% if doc.supplier_items[2] %}
       {{ frappe.get_doc('Supplier', doc.supplier_items[2].supplier ).supplier_abbreviation }}
       {% endif %}  
       {% if doc.supplier_items[3] %}
       {{ frappe.get_doc('Supplier', doc.supplier_items[3].supplier ).supplier_abbreviation }}       
       {% endif %}
      <div class="label-item-barcode label-field">
        <div class="barcode-container">
            <svg class="barcode" jsbarcode-format="upc" jsbarcode-value={{ doc.barcodes[0].barcode }} jsbarcode-height=23
            jsbarcode-width="1" js-barcode-fontsize=1 jsbarcode-textmargin="2" jsbarcode-margin="0" jsbarcode-fontoptions="bold">
      {% else %}
      <div class="label-item-code-alone label-field">
       {{ doc.item_code  }}
      {% endif %}

<script src=""></script>



    height: 29mm;
    width: 50mm;
.barcode-label {
  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
  grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
  gap: 0px 0px;
  justify-items: center;
    align-items: center;
    "label-item-name label-item-name label-item-name label-item-name"
    "label-item-price label-item-price label-item-price label-item-price"
    "label-item-code label-item-barcode label-item-barcode label-item-barcode";

.label-item-name { 
    grid-area: label-item-name;
    font-size: 3mm;
    width: 50mm;
    height: 10mm;
    line-height: 3.5mm;
    z-index: 1;
    overflow: hidden;

.label-item-price { 
    grid-area: label-item-price;
    font-size: 2em;
    font-weight: 600;
    width: 50mm;
    height: 8mm;

.label-item-code { 
    grid-area: label-item-code;
    width: 15mm;
    height: 11mm;
    font-size: 1.8mm;
    overflow-wrap: break-word;

.label-item-code-alone { 
    grid-area: label-item-code;
    width: 25mm;
    height: 11mm;
    font-size: 2.5mm;
    overflow-wrp: break-word;

.label-item-barcode { 
    grid-area: label-item-barcode;
    width: 35mm !important;
    height: 12mm;
    font-size: 0.5em;
    max-width: 100%;
    max-height: 100%;
.barcode-label-container {
border: 1px solid #d1d8dd;
width: fit-content;
overflow: hidden;
.print-format, .barcode-label-container, .dashboard-section{
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
    padding: 1mm;
    //border: 1px solid black;
    text-align: center;
.box {
  --b: 1px;   /* thickness of the border */
  --c: #d1d8dd;   /* color of the border */
  --w: 6px;  /* length of border */
  width: fit-content;
  overflow: hidden;

  border: var(--b) solid #0000; /* space for the border */
  --_g: #0000 90deg,var(--c) 0;
  --_p: var(--w) var(--w) border-box no-repeat;
    conic-gradient(from 90deg  at top    var(--b) left  var(--b),var(--_g)) 0    0    / var(--_p),
    conic-gradient(from 180deg at top    var(--b) right var(--b),var(--_g)) 100% 0    / var(--_p),
    conic-gradient(from 0deg   at bottom var(--b) left  var(--b),var(--_g)) 0    100% / var(--_p),
    conic-gradient(from -90deg at bottom var(--b) right var(--b),var(--_g)) 100% 100% / var(--_p);

Hi @l4cky,

I haven’t any idea about it so…

But check and try it.

Write the code to generate multiple barcode labels for each item in the Item Master. You can use the “for” loop to generate a specified number of barcode labels. For example, the following code generates 4 barcode labels for each item:

{% for item in doc.items %}
{% for i in range(4) %}
<div style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;">
  <img src="{{ item.barcode }}" alt="Barcode">
  <div>{{ item.item_name }}</div>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

In the code above, the “item.barcode” and “item.item_name” are placeholders for the barcode and item name fields in your Item doctype. You may need to adjust the code to match the field names in your document.

Note: Depending on your specific requirements, you may need to adjust the size and positioning of the barcode labels to fit your paper size and layout. You can use CSS styles to customize the appearance of the barcode labels.

I hope this helps.
Thank You!



{% for item in doc.items %}
{% for i in range(4) %}

{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

I put these lines in HTML/jinja of print format, right? or it should be in server script?

Output is blank, nothing in the page.

Here’s the code in the print format, jinja,html

{% for item in doc.items %}
{% for i in range(4) %}
<div class="dashboard-section">
  <div class="box">
    <div id="barcode-label" class="barcode-label">
      <div class="label-item-name label-field">
          {{ doc.item_name }}
      <div class="label-item-price label-field">
          {{ frappe.get_doc('Item Price', item_code).price_list_rate }}
      <div class="label-item-code label-field">
       {{ doc.item_code  }}
       {% if doc.supplier_items %}<br>{% endif %}
       {% if doc.supplier_items[0] %}
       {{ frappe.get_doc('Supplier', doc.supplier_items[0].supplier ).supplier_abbreviation }}
       {% endif %}  
       {% if doc.supplier_items[1] %}
       {{ frappe.get_doc('Supplier', doc.supplier_items[1].supplier ).supplier_abbreviation }}
       {% endif %}  
       {% if doc.supplier_items[2] %}
       {{ frappe.get_doc('Supplier', doc.supplier_items[2].supplier ).supplier_abbreviation }}
       {% endif %}  
       {% if doc.supplier_items[3] %}
       {{ frappe.get_doc('Supplier', doc.supplier_items[3].supplier ).supplier_abbreviation }}       
       {% endif %}
       {% if doc.supplier_items[4] %}
       {{ frappe.get_doc('Supplier', doc.supplier_items[4].supplier ).supplier_abbreviation }}       
       {% endif %}     
       {% if doc.barcodes %}
       <p style="font-family:'Helvetica' ; font-size:4px ; color:black">
       {% if doc.barcodes[0] %}
       {% if 'DIN' in doc.barcodes[0].barcode_type %}
       {{ doc.barcodes[0].barcode }}
       {% endif %}
       {% if 'NPN' in doc.barcodes[0].barcode_type %}
       {{ doc.barcodes[0].barcode }}
       {% endif %}
       {% endif %}
       {% if doc.barcodes[1] %}
       {% if 'DIN' in doc.barcodes[1].barcode_type %}
       {{ doc.barcodes[1].barcode }}
       {% endif %}
       {% if 'NPN' in doc.barcodes[1].barcode_type %}
       {{ doc.barcodes[1].barcode }}
       {% endif %}
       {% endif %}
       {% if doc.barcodes[2] %}
       {% if 'DIN' in doc.barcodes[2].barcode_type %}
       {{ doc.barcodes[2].barcode }}
       {% endif %}
       {% if 'NPN' in doc.barcodes[2].barcode_type %}
       {{ doc.barcodes[2].barcode }}
       {% endif %}
       {% endif %}
       {% if doc.barcodes[3] %}
       {% if 'DIN' in doc.barcodes[3].barcode_type %}
       {{ doc.barcodes[3].barcode }}
       {% endif %}
       {% if 'NPN' in doc.barcodes[3].barcode_type %}
       {{ doc.barcodes[3].barcode }}
       {% endif %}
       {% endif %}
       {% if doc.barcodes[4] %}
       {% if 'DIN' in doc.barcodes[4].barcode_type %}
       {{ doc.barcodes[4].barcode }}
       {% endif %}
       {% if 'NPN' in doc.barcodes[4].barcode_type %}
       {{ doc.barcodes[4].barcode }}
       {% endif %}
       {% endif %}         
      <div class="label-item-barcode label-field">
        <div class="barcode-container">
        {% if 'UPC-A' in doc.barcodes[0].barcode_type %}
            <svg class="barcode" jsbarcode-format="upc" jsbarcode-value={{ doc.barcodes[0].barcode }} jsbarcode-height=23
            jsbarcode-width="1" js-barcode-fontsize=1 jsbarcode-textmargin="2" jsbarcode-margin="0" jsbarcode-fontoptions="bold">
        {% endif %}
        {% if doc.barcodes[1] %}
        {% if 'UPC-A' in doc.barcodes[1].barcode_type %}
            <svg class="barcode" jsbarcode-format="upc" jsbarcode-value={{ doc.barcodes[1].barcode }} jsbarcode-height=23
            jsbarcode-width="1" js-barcode-fontsize=1 jsbarcode-textmargin="2" jsbarcode-margin="0" jsbarcode-fontoptions="bold">
        {% endif %}{% endif %}
        {% if doc.barcodes[2] %}
        {% if 'UPC-A' in doc.barcodes[2].barcode_type %}
            <svg class="barcode" jsbarcode-format="upc" jsbarcode-value={{ doc.barcodes[2].barcode }} jsbarcode-height=23
            jsbarcode-width="1" js-barcode-fontsize=1 jsbarcode-textmargin="2" jsbarcode-margin="0" jsbarcode-fontoptions="bold">
        {% endif %}{% endif %}
        {% if doc.barcodes[3] %}
        {% if 'UPC-A' in doc.barcodes[3].barcode_type %}
            <svg class="barcode" jsbarcode-format="upc" jsbarcode-value={{ doc.barcodes[3].barcode }} jsbarcode-height=23
            jsbarcode-width="1" js-barcode-fontsize=1 jsbarcode-textmargin="2" jsbarcode-margin="0" jsbarcode-fontoptions="bold">
        {% endif %}{% endif %}
        {% if doc.barcodes[4] %}
        {% if 'UPC-A' in doc.barcodes[4].barcode_type %}
            jsbarcode-value={{ doc.barcodes[4].barcode }} 
        {% endif %}{% endif %}
      {% else %}
      <div class="label-item-code-alone label-field">
       {{ doc.item_code  }}
      {% endif %}

<script src="/assets/js/lib/JsBarcode.all.min.js"></script>


{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}


I haven’t tried. we just share some scenarios.

Thank You!

I’m with you here. I’m trying to do the same exact thing but every time I use the for loop function in the Jinja print format it renders a blank page, really weird. I’m on V15 self-hosted by the way.

Any luck on your end?

You can skip the first loop (As doc.items doesn’t exist for the “Items” doctype you’re trying to print in).

The second loop will give you the rows, but you also need the columns. So you might have to mess around with your

to bring 4 such barcodes in each row.

Then you just give the number of rows as the range of the for loop.

Also thank you for the code, as it just might be the solution to one of my problems in barcode prints.

1 Like

Hey, I’m trying to print full pages with the first [0] barcode in tbe child table for every item selected, how did you achieved yours?

What do you mean with skipping the firsy loop? Isn’t that loop tbe one that gets the selected items from the List View? Then the second loop gets the field for which a barcode will be generated?
