even entering “site.in/private/” in url (with trailing forward slash) results into Nginx 404
entering “site.in/private” in url (no trailing forward slash) results in frappe “Page missing or moved”
As backups also saved under private/ I tried to download backups with desk#backups the url shows site.in/backups/20151209_86163319_database.sql.gz. On clicking it goes to a blank page.
GET http://site.in/backups/20151209_86163319_database.sql.gz 424 (OK)
Navigated to http://site.in/backups/20151209_86163319_database.sql.gz
I changed url to site.in/private/backups/20151209_86163319_database.sql.gz resulting to 404 Not Found
GET http://site.in/private/backups/20151209_86163319_database.sql.gz 404 (Not Found)
Navigated to http://site.in/private/backups/20151209_86163319_database.sql.gz
After updating nginx config with bench setup nginx and reloading nginx sudo service nginx reload I am also getting 500 Internal Server Error
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
file.png:1 GET http://site.in/private/files/file.png 500 (Internal Server Error)
Navigated to http://site.in/private/files/file.png```
2015/12/10 06:30:02 [error] 12945#0: *422 rewrite or internal redirection cycle while redirect to named location "@magic", client:, server: frappe_default_site, request: "GET /private/files/file.png HTTP/1.1", upstream: "", host: "site.in"
Logging out and trying to access the file gives appropriate 403 (Forbidden Error).
Only when logged in and trying to access the file.png I get the 500 (Internal Server Error)
I think this should be expected… at least all desk users should be able to see the files
maybe there could be a nother option for “personal” files that only for the owner
and a group based criteria but me for example Im happy as it is now
if all desk users can see the file when logged in and all guests and websiteusers cant