There is problem with leave calculation. I am using v12.10.1.
For my example, I have a brought forward annual leave from last year which is 3 days. Together with the 10 days allocated for this year. And it becomes 13 days in the leave allocation, which is OK.
Why is there 122 days of total allocation and 112 day of expired leaves? And I didn’t use the 3 days leave (is it the expired leaves?). And my pending leave is 10 and available leave becomes 7 (which should be 10).
The 3 day expired leaves become the used leave, and the number is deducted from my Pending leaves and my available leave becomes 7 which is wrong.
For some reason ERPNext in that Leave Application dashboard is reporting the leaves for all employees. That’s wrong of course and hopefully there should be a fix soon.
Not sure if there is a problem with the expiring leaves too. Probably not. Please check carefully if you’ve done everything okay.
The leave balance calculation is fixed on the development branch but not on the version-12 branch. Can somebody apply the fix in version-12 branch?
As for the expiring leave calculation, after examined the code, I think here is the problem:
In the get_leaves_for_period function in, there is a statement to add the expired leave to the total leave taken count:
elif inclusive_period and leave_entry.transaction_type == ‘Leave Allocation’ and leave_entry.is_expired
and (do_not_skip_expired_leaves or not skip_expiry_leaves(leave_entry, to_date)):
leave_days += leave_entry.leaves
It is calling the skip_expiry_leaves function to decide whether to add the expired leaves to the leave count.
And here is the function:
def skip_expiry_leaves(leave_entry, date):
‘’’ Checks whether the expired leaves coincide with the to_date of leave balance check.
This allows backdated leave entry creation for non carry forwarded allocation ‘’’
end_date = frappe.db.get_value(“Leave Allocation”, {‘name’: leave_entry.transaction_name}, [‘to_date’])
return True if end_date == date and not leave_entry.is_carry_forward else False
And it will return False because I have a Leave Ledger Entry that is marked as expired on 30 Mar (3 months validity for a carry forwarded leave) because the end_date is not equal to date.
And I am not sure why calling skip_expiry_leaves is required when calculating the leaves used.