Problem with formatting numbers


I think this is a bug.

I realized that there are 2 parts where number formats can be specified: System Configuration, under Date and Number Format section, and in the currency definition.

This my current setting:

Global number format: #.###,##
Currency CLP format: #.###
Currency CLF format: #.###,##

Well, if I create a quotation whose currency is CLP and see print format, I saw that all amounts are formatted as #.###,## and the quantity numbers are formatted as integer (#.###).

If I create a quotation whose currency is CLF and see print format, I saw all amounts are correctly formatted.

The first bug is that the amounts in CLP should be shown as integers, that is, with #.### format.

The problem is in this function:


The second bug is when viewing PDF. Quantity numbers are formatted as decimals also, for example, “1 unit” appear as “1.0 unit”.

Quantity is just rendered using this in custom print format:

{{ row.qty }}

Any workaround about this?

If I change global number format as #.###, all numbers are formatted that way, including CLF currency.

