Im trying get the name of customer.
Para: {% set u = frappe.get_doc("User", doc.owner) %} {{u.customer_name}}
Im trying get the name of customer.
Para: {% set u = frappe.get_doc("User", doc.owner) %} {{u.customer_name}}
Where are you trying to do this on? A print format? Can you give more context?
There is no field customer_name is the User doctype. Where are you trying to set the customer name from? what is the doctype? If there is a field called customer in the doctype you are trying to print, you could use
Para: {{ doc.customer }}
CNPJ: {% set u = frappe.get_doc("Customer", doc.customer)%}
{{ u.idcompany }}
Fone: {% set u = frappe.get_doc("Address", doc.customer_address)%}
{{ u.idcompany }}
Hum… So in “User” i have to specify what kind of DocType?!
I see this on github, because variable don’t change, so i put it there and i did not pay attention to DocType…
The DocType is Quotation, but i don’t find this datas there, I need id/ENI company of my customer, Name, Phone and E-mail.
Now i tried this:
Para: {% set u = frappe.get_doc("Sales Order", doc.owner) %} {{u.customer_name}}
RETURN: The resource is not avaible
Oh m sorry, i didn’t see that, i will try
If you are printing a quotation, I have this working:
Para: {{ doc.customer }}
CNPJ: {% set u = frappe.get_doc("Customer", doc.customer)%}
{{ u.idcompany }}
Fone: {% set u = frappe.get_doc("Address", doc.customer_address)%}
{{ }}
Phone numbers are stored in Address, so you have to have chosen an address for this to work.
I’m assuming that idcompany is a custom field.
I Paste wrong, sorry
Ok, so i tried the name first.
Para: {% set u = frappe.get_doc("Customer", doc.owner) %} {{u.customer_name}}
Resource is not avaible
Ok i got it!
But im having problem on this:
“{% set u = frappe.get_doc(“Payment Entry”, doc.paymententry)%}
{{ u.type_of_payment}}”
Alert: “The resource is not avaible”