Product Image Zoom

Dear all,

we would like to have multiple Pictures on our ERPNext Shopping Cart per Product. This is why we started to create a separate Slide-Show per Product and assign it to the Item Master to show up on the Shopping Cart. I believe this might be the best way to go.

As the Product is natural stone, the Customer usually needs to have a very close look to the Image. Is there any way to provide a Zoom-In/Out option in the ERPNext Shopping Cart / Slide Shows ?

Thank you and best regards,

Not out of the box at the moment

@David_Stegnitz, I assume the implementation of Zoom-In/Out might be facilitated once "Image view" in the Item list is developed, as this seems to be shared functionality.

@strixaluco Yes, this looks great and promising. Looking forward to see it once it’s ready. Thank you for your input.

if you want a private fast solution you can refer to the following maybe it will help until this feature is available…



Not at all. Don’t hesitate to help with sponsorship if you feel like doing it.

Hello @David_Stegnitz,

You can used below link.
