I have a couple of questions about modifying the production order sheet
They are both linked to the Item requirements. When I submit a production order we can see the material requriements at the bottom right
ERP has kindly multiplied up the BOM vaues by the quantity to manufacture and produced the total quantity
Question 1) Because we manufacture from strips of metal we need to know the individual length (that is the actual BOM value). In the example shown, 9100/T316/10.8mm shows we need 29.9 meters to manufacture 50 items. I need the orignal number to show also (so 29.9 / 50). This is because the operator will get about 30 meters from the shelf and cut into 29.9/50 lenghts Each length will be exactly 0.598
Hope that makes sense. So I suppose how can we ge the original BOM details on the production order
Question 2) The material table data is shown until the job is started, then the table disappears from the production order. I cannot see why. It should not be an issue provided we remember to print BEFORE starting the job, but if we start first then the data is missing.
So in summary, how can i get the material data table to show the original data AND still be visible after the job starts
PS we are on erpnext.com cloud hosted so solutions need to be viable without core alterations