Production Planning Tool allow for more than the requested SO and Material Request Quantity?

Hi ,
In Manufacturing Process :
1.Create Material Request for 20 items.
2.Use Production Planning Tool->Get Material Request->Get Items->Create Production Order
its allow for more than 20 item to manufacture and create Production order.
is it Correct?
I think it is not allow to create Production Order more than the 20 items.



Are you getting any validation message about 20 Production Orders when creating it from Production Planning Tool?

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Hi @umair
Thanks for an reply.
Yes. I think it shows the Error Message or Validation.


Can you please share the exact error message, so that we can try to verify? Please share as much details possible about an issue as possible. That will help us support you better.

“The Item Already Manufactured.”
“You Cannot Create the More Production Order for Requested Qty in Material Request/Sales Order.”


“The Item Already Manufactured.”

This message indicates that Sales Order/Material Request with which this item is linked, Production Order is already created for it, and now you are trying to create a duplicate for that same item.

“You Cannot Create the More Production Order for Requested Qty in Material Request/Sales Order.”

This is also a validation message that if for an Item, in the Sales Order, qty is mentioned as 1, then in the Production Order for that Item, Qty must be one, and not more than that. If you want to create Production Order for more Qty, then you can consider unliking Sales Order from it.