Production Planning Tool - generating production order for item already in stock

Dear all,

I have a Product Bundle composed by 1 unit of items A, B and C. Items A and B are “out of stock” and I have several units of item C. I have created a sales order for the bundle and then, when using the Production Planning Tool, all three items appear on the table to raise production orders (even item C, that I already have in stock).

** The stock is the same for all items.

Thank you for any help!

Refer Following Link and then check.

Thanks @shraddha, but there’s where I started. Maybe I’m misusing the tool, but I don’t want to generate production orders for items I already have.

@rmehta, any help from the team? thanks a lot!

Hi all,

any updates on this? As I see it, I could manually check that some of the items are indeed in stock and manually remove them from the items in the production planning tool but that kind of takes all the effort in having an automatized/integrated system away.
Are we missing something with the use of this tool?

thanks in advance!

I have the same issue here, it doesn’t consider the qty already on stock, production orders are generateed with the full qty.

maybe we could have an option to create production orders for full qty or the shortage qty, like the material request option.


Material Request for raw-material item is created only for the shortage quantity. For now, this same validation is not available for Production Order based on Product Bundle. Please create Github Issue for this feature suggestion.