Project Status Automatically updates with tasks after recent update

hi all
After the updates on Monday 15th July, we have noticed a lot of our old completed projects’ status have changed to Open.
It took a while to find out these were the projects with tasks, and some of those tasks were not marked complete (we haven’t been actively monitoring the tasks’ status).

The new behaviour after the update seems to be:

  • If all tasks in a project are marked completed, the project status automatically changes to Complete and can not be modified manually.
  • If any task in a project is Open, that project can not be marked complete.
  • If there are no tasks in a project, that project can not be closed.

Although this automation might seem like a good idea, we would need the freedom to change the project’s status. In a project, we have other checks and balances that we must go through before marking them complete.

My question is, is this expected design behaviour after the update, or are we missing a config tick somewhere?

I think I found the relevant update. I think it would be related to this commit.