Property Setter migrate error


I created property_setter.json and add

{ "default_value": "", "doc_type": "Customer", "docstatus": 0, "doctype": "Property Setter", "doctype_or_field": "DocField", "field_name": "language", "modified": "2016-09-19 14:00:59.541767", "name": "Customer-language-default", "property": "default", "property_type": "Link", "value": "deutsch" },
when I run bench migrate I receive

frappe.exceptions.ValidationError: Default for language must be an option

what I made wrong?


It says default should be a valid entry from Linked doctype.

Hi! Thank you very much!)

But I think that I used valid entry “deutsch”.

Btw, it works only first migration example
"I removed property setter - bench migrate - everything is ok"
But when I run bench migrate next time I received this error.