Purchase order Price Based of List Price

In my case I have a large database of list prices for items to be ordered how do Incorporate the same into my erpnext ordering.
The Discount for these items vary depending on supplier company policy as per projects.

Currently the PO module picks the best discounted rate bur I want List price & discount , so that I can vary the discount as per project.

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Can you use discount on Item line details ?


Currently erpnext is saving final discounted price but not list price & discount ?
I have to now manually feed the item List price & then discount

You can try using Pricing Rule based on customer. There you can define discount against the price list and you can apply it for a project. If project filter is not present there currently, please create a github.com issue for that. And one thing here, your price list rate should be without discount.

Can I use pricing rules for Supplier for raising PO?
That also means I will have to type LP for each product in pricing rule?
Where do I mention the discount ?