Purchase Order vs Purchase Invoice


We need a report showing us the difference between Purchase Order and Purchase Invoice (Item Code - Item Description - Qty - Rate - Amount) for revising and avoiding human errors.

Can we find a report like this at ERPNEXT?

Thank you


  1. Could you perhaps just clarify your process please. Are you generating the Purchase Invoice
    from within the Purchase Order ?

This should populate the Purchase Invoice with the items on the Purchase Order.
The screen-shot was taken on a V12.28 system

Yes, invoice generates from purchase order

OK, so the items on the purchase order and invoice should therefor be the same.
What is it that you want to check then?

It sounds like they are looking for “Quoted Cost” from the original purchase order compared to “Actual Invoices Cost” in the Purchase Invoice"

But that is just my guess here. :nerd_face:


Mmmm … :thinking: … I understand what you are saying. That could well be.
The only way to really know is to get clarity on the process.

If you means with “Quoted cost” by the amount written at Purchase order, Yes exactly as you guessed

There is no built-in report that produces the results you describe.

Part of the challenge is the potential Many:Many relationship between Purchase Orders and Purchase Invoices.

  • 1 Purchase Order could have many Invoices. For example the first invoice might be for 50% of the total value. The second invoice for the remaining value.
  • 1 Purchase Invoice could be related to many Orders. For example, your invoice might cover an entire month of Supplier activity: 1 invoice for 5 orders.

Your business may not support these “partial qty” scenarios. But ERPNext does.

It’s definitely possible to create a report that does a “side-by-side” comparison, showing differences in Qty and Rate. First, you should define the report’s design (columns, rows). Then start building/buying the report you need.

It’s definitely achievable using either a Query or Script report. You either begin by querying Orders, and then find matching invoice lines. Or vice versa; query the Invoices, and find matching PO lines.

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