Purchase receipt and purchase invoice

how to check purchase invocie in erpnext whose purchase receipt is not made and vice versa how to check purchase receipt whose purchase invociec is not made.

In Version-4
-If you made purchase invoice against purchase receipt .
-open respective purchase receipt form
-on Top ,there is one icon i.e “Linked with” .click on that icon you can
get how many invoices get made against that purchase receipt.

2)If you open Purchase invoices , Then you can see ‘purchase receipt number’ inside
item table grid.

Shraddha Ranjane
New Indictrans Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

I using version 5, how can I check for the purchase invoice which I have made with out making purchase receipt.

on purchase receipt form ,there is “Menu” button
click on that button select option “links”.
you can see respective invoice number.


Thank you for your prompt reply. But i think there should be some report on the same format as" Received Item To Be Billed" for purchase invocie on the format" Billed items to be received" so you may know which invoice are made extra.

i dont understand the idea of purchase receipt before purchase invocie basically these both are same thing. If purcahse receipt is mandatory than it should no be allowed to directly make a new purchase invocie directlt, It should be only from prchase recept to make purcahse invocie.