trying to create a Query Report works well when I provide any value in the filter field but the same report doesn’t work when there is no or empty value. I applied a condition to check “null” but it didn’t help. Can anyone please guide me on how to resolve this?
FROM tabUser as u
%(myfilter_name)s is null
OR u.full_name LIKE concat("%%",%(myfilter_name)s,"%%")
thank you @NCP for the reply, I followed the link you posted but unfortunately, it doesn’t work for empty values.
Based on your answer, I must mark “Mandatory” in the filter field. However, let’s assume I mark it as mandatory and reload the report page. It doesn’t show an error when filter field is empty which is good and achieved 50% of my goal, but the report does not show any data unless I enter some value in the filter field whereas I am expecting all the records whenever filter value is empty.
I also tried to write a script to set the default value for the filter field which works for a default value but again it does not show any data when it is empty so this solution also doesn’t work.
Below is the script I wrote for the default value:
to achieve like or containing condition in the query report, I did a workaround although I am not sure if that is best practice or not but I cannot find a proper solution on this problem.
so I set % sign in the default value and the report result shows all the records on load however, again if I remove % sign the report gets empty.