Query report: How to pass data

I am new in Frappe please see this code … and suggest me how to pass list data on this code

# Copyright (c) 2013, Hasan and contributors
# For license information, please see license.txt

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import frappe
from frappe import _
def execute(filters=None):
	return columns(),data(filters)

def columns():
	# colums= [_('Stock ID' + ':Data:120'), _('Article Name' + ':Data:150'), _('Author' + ':Data:150'),
	#          _('Language' + ':Data:150'), _('ISBN' + ':Data:150'),
	#          _('Stock Date'':Data:150'), _('Purchase Price' + ':Data:150'), _('Quantity' + ':Data:150'),
	#          _('Total Amount' + ':int:150')]
	Colum =[
			"fieldname": "name",
			"label": _("Stock ID"),
			"fieldtype": "Data",
			"width": 100,
			"fieldname": "article_name",
			"label": _("Article Name"),
			"fieldtype": "Data",
			"width": 150,
			"fieldname": "Author",
			"label": _("Author"),
			"fieldtype": "Data",
			"width": 150,
			"fieldname": "Language",
			"label": _("Language"),
			"fieldtype": "Data",
			"width": 120,
			"fieldname": "ISBN",
			"label": _("ISBN"),
			"fieldtype": "Data",
			"width": 80,
			"fieldname": "stock_date",
			"label": _("Stock Date"),
			"fieldtype": "Data",
			"width": 100,
			"fieldname": "purchase_price",
			"label": _("Purchase Price"),
			"fieldtype": "Int",
			"width": 120,
			"fieldname": "quantity",
			"label": _("Quantity"),
			"fieldtype": "Int",
			"width": 100,
			"fieldname": "Total_amount",
			"label": _("Total Amount"),
			"fieldtype": "Float",
			"width": 100,
	return Colum

def data(filters):
	data = []
	sql=frappe.db.get_all('Stock', filters=filters, fields=['*']);
	# total_row = frappe._dict({
	# 	"purchase_price": 0,
	# 	"quantity": 0,
	# 	"Total_amount": 0,
	# })

	for info in sql:

		row = {"name": info.name}

		row.update({"ISBN": info.isbn})
		row.update({"stock_date": info.stock_date})

		row.update({"Total_amount": Total_amount(info.purchase_price, info.quantity)})


	return data

def Total_amount(purchase_price, quantity):
	purchase_price = purchase_price
	quantity = quantity
	total_price = float(purchase_price) * float(quantity)
	return total_price

# total_row.update({
# 			"party": "'" + _("Totals") + "'",
# 			"currency": company_currency
# 		})
# 		data.append(total_row)

Can you please elaborate on your query. Where do you want to pass the data, what have you tried doing so far?

sql=frappe.db.get_all(‘Stock’, filters=filters, fields=[‘name’,‘a_name’,‘author’,‘language’,‘isbn’,‘stock_date’,‘purchase_price’,‘quantity’] , as_list=True);