Question about manual install

im running ubuntu and wanna know how to create a new user to be used in installing erpnext

im currently at Install Bench CLI and not sure if i should be creating a new user for this step?


i think i may have phrased it wrong. I am still currently installing erpnext. Do i need to create a new linux user to be used or can i use the one with what i am using as default (has root)

sudo useradd (your-user-name)
then give user permissions i.e
sudo usermod -aG sudo (your-user-name)

what would happen if i dont give it permission? also should i use that newly created user to install bench? if so what command do i use

what would happen if i don’t give it permission?
ans - well what would happen if you don’t give permission to any user who needs permission to perform a certain task ?
Also should i use that newly created user to install bench?
Yes please do …
If so what command do i use -


Thanks i have successfully created my user . my next issue is a multitenancy i have already deleted the site name from currentsite.txt and added a line for my site on the /etc/hosts demosite11. when i tried to do bench start and access my site it doesnt load. it just gives me error. Browser gives me error problem loading page . on the terminal it gives me error web.1 Site 192.x.x.x does not exist