I am a student at the Ecole de Management, University of Strasbourg, in France. Next wednesday I’am doing a presentation about ERP Next to my collegues.
I would like to speak about your position in the Open source ERPs Market. It has been a little complicated to find some details about this market, for exemple how many companies are using ERP Next? Where are located most part of your clients? (India, USA, Europe…???) which is your position face to Odoo, Openbravo, etc???
As well I would like to know how do you see the evolution of ERPNext? Which kind of evolutions have you in mind?
And finally, how can we use the CMS solution because of the plateforms limitations.
It could be awesome if you send a small message in video to the students attendant the presentation: inviting all of them to use ERPNext. We are student of Master 2 E-Marketing at the Ecole de Management, Univresity of Strasbourg.
Thanks for your help!
@Maca_Pena_Garzon See my replies
how many companies are using ERP Next?
Our estimate is between 1000 - 2000 companies are actively using ERPNext. Its hard to say how many since its an open source solution. But we are always surprised on how many users are there.
Our top locations are:
- India
- UAE + Middle East
- United States
Here are stats for user sessions in the last 30 days from our Analytics!

ERPNext is a much newer product compared to Odoo and Openbravo so we still have a lot to catch up on.
The main problem with the space of Open Source ERP so far has been that companies backing these products have taken venture funding and then have turned their back on their communities. Odoo is the market leader at the moment, even though we think ERPNext is a better product :). But since Odoo has taking venture funding, it is now making more and more parts of the product closed, so many users from the community are switching to ERPNext (Read the long thread ERPNext vs Odoo)
[quote=“Maca_Pena_Garzon, post:1, topic:12444”][quote=“Maca_Pena_Garzon, post:1, topic:12444”]
It could be awesome if you send a small message in video to the students attendant the presentation: inviting all of them to use ERPNext. We are student of Master 2 E-Marketing at the Ecole de Management, Univresity of Strasbourg.
Sure, Will post a quick video!
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