Quotation broken in latest release v11.1.23

I cannot select an address. I get “Please set customer” error

I understand the customer field type was changed to dynamic link and field name was changed to “party_name”. However not everything has been refactored properly. For example, Contact Person field has depends on value “eval:doc.customer”. This expression will now never evaluate to “true”.

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Works just fine on the account on V11, on production version.

May I know ERPNext account’s version? Can you make a quick upgrade and check again?

I have the same issue. Quotation becomes unusable
ERPNext: v11.1.23 (master)

Frappe Framework: v11.1.25 (master).

It happens because quotation now sets a field party_name instead of customer.

fixing via fix: data pulling based on quotation_to and party_name by saurabh6790 · Pull Request #17455 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

I think there may have been a couple of problems here:

This fix has made the customer name reappear on the print format - but Address, Contact, Contact Person, Shipping Address all still missing. You want a separate bug for this?

I believe it is solved with
ERPNext: v11.1.28 (master)

Frappe Framework: v11.1.27 (master)

I cant create a new customer in quotation from 1.23 and upgraded to 1.28 and same issue…

If quotation is to Lead, after Item Selection there is an error as below

ERPNext: v11.1.28 (master)
Frappe Framework: v11.1.27 (master)

Issue reported on git