Quotation Valid Till date


is there any possibility to change the Valid Till date from 30 to XX days?`


I assume you are referring to the to the 30-days post date that is auto-set for Valid Till in Quotation. 30 is arbitrary assumption just to automatically set the field. In most cases, the field will have to be set manually to the date you want to.

yes this is the field I am talking about. Problem is, my co-workers are forgetting about to change the date. and we need more then 30 days (we are using quotations internally) so I want to set up this date to 90 days.

You can set Default Quotation Validity Days from Selling Settings :slight_smile:

which version are you using? I do not have such setting. last one is “Close Opportunity After…”
my Version is
ERPNext: v10.0.21 (master)
Frappe Framework: v10.0.22 (master)

Hi Andreas

You can use this script

frappe.ui.form.on("Quotation", "validate", function(frm) {

get_today() will give you today date you can update it to what ever you want


thanks for help. Now I created a script like this:

frappe.ui.form.on('Quotation', 'validate', function(frm) {
	cur_frm.set_value("valid_till",frappe.datetime.add_days(frappe.datetime.nowdate(), 120))
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