(Re) Introducing Frappe Books - Free Desktop Accounting Tool for SMBs

Hey fellow ERPNext users,

We have been working on a simple accounting app for quite a while now. We are planning to launch this for a wider audience at Product Hunt and Hacker News. But before that we wanted to polish out any bugs that might still be lurking on the surface.

Please visit frappebooks.com, download the build for your operating system, set it up and give your feedback here.

You can also report bugs at Issues · frappe/books · GitHub

We are also looking for beta testers for Frappe Books, if you know someone who might be interested you can direct them to discuss.frappebooks.com to report their feedback there.


I would start your manual with a mission statement that covers these basic questions:

  • Why Frappe Books?
  • Who is the target user?
  • Why not user ERPNext, but Frappe Books instead?
  • How is it better then gnucash or other solutions on the market?

nice move to provide an AppImage for linux btw.

Are there any plans for prociding such for frappe/ERPnext as well some time in the future?


Amazing work Frappe and ERPNext Team.

AppImage and Exe while not forgetting the AGPL License. Open source ERP at its best.

Will test it soon. Would be nice to have a small inventory control in it.

Thanks anyways.

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Great work indeed… I have made the point for inventory here. May be you can give a like to push for it :slight_smile:

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Downloaded and had a quick look. Great Looks…and seems really simple…compliments…
Like with ErpNext leave the user the choice to select which CoA is used.
The horrible standard CoA of the NL was loaded without asking me first whether this ok…is way to complex with 100’s of account heads.
I left the system (exit) and noway to come back in …clicked aboat everything but stuck with the screenshot robert

Can’t find way of creating users. Tax rate is set to 0 even after saving it. GSTIN needs to be labelled as Tax ID for non India account.
Not able to change currency symbol to my own choice.

Overall like the looks of it. Maybe we can battle the horrible Tally with this.
Installed on Windows 10 machine.

Hi @netchampfaris this is very nice, is this a whole other app vs ERPNext or can we have this AWESOME view for ERPNext users???

Can you open an issue over on Issues · frappe/books · GitHub

Are you not able to click “test”? It should load that company.

Frappe Books is a different app built on a different framework (GitHub - frappe/frappejs: Node + Electron + Vue based metadata web framework (inspired by Frappe)). But we are experimenting, we might come up with an ERPNext redesign too :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks for the valuable feedback everyone.

Hi @netchampfaris any further developments since first release? Thanks.

Hi @Muzzy

I do not want to be a wet blanket, but what is the use case for this product?

This is an excellent app that will help SMB accounts. They love Tally and we loose many sales to Tally lovers. Tally is one of the most selling accounts (data entry as per me) software in Asia.

This can be a stepping stone for ERPNext introduction in future.

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I hope you can make an easy way to migrate the Frappe Books data to ERPNext. This is for those clients that started to use the Frappe Books then eventually can already afford to use the ERPNext. :slight_smile:


I assume its to compete with services like QuickBooks, FreshBooks, Xero, Wave, etc.

I think this should focus on integrations, a naked accounting application with room for endless integrations - open banking APIs, HMRC / other tax office APIs, Amazon, Shopify, theres nothing like that out there atm thats open source.


I like this A LOT more than the accounting system in ERPnext, it would be cool if they integrated so you could off loads accounts/finances to Frappe Books

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Hellow @netchampfaris, is it possible to have frappe books post data to a MSSQL database? Or which files has the database settings?

Hi @netchampfaris any further development on this? Git hasn’t been updated since May.

Nice tool. How to make changes and compile to windows? What tool to use.

Any updates on frappe books?