RE: Tables in Webforms

How to enable the columns of the doctype in webform. In a webform i select the field as table and added doctype. But here it’s not visible sir. Please help.

error 2:
I had an internal sever error. I deleted footer and navbar in website settings doctype.
I tried bench --update. But still its internal server error.
How to solve it ? sir Thankyou

Go to child table doctype and tick In Grid View or In List View then save and check it.

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To enable the columns of the doctype in webform, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the webform in question and select the “Customize” button in the top right corner.
  2. In the “Customize Form” window, select the table field that you added for your doctype.
  3. In the “Table Settings” section, check the “Show Columns” option.
  4. Save the changes and check if the columns of the doctype are now visible in the webform.

Regarding the internal server error that occurred after deleting the footer and navbar in the website settings doctype, you can try the following steps:

  1. Check the error logs to get more information about the error. The error logs can be found in the “logs” directory of your Frappe installation.
  2. Try running the following command in your Frappe installation directory: bench build && bench clear-cache && bench restart
  3. If the above step does not resolve the issue, try running the following command: bench migrate && bench clear-cache && bench restart
  4. If the issue still persists, try restoring the deleted footer and navbar from a backup and then repeat the above steps.

Hope this will help you out.

Thank you

  1. If the issue still persists, try restoring the deleted footer and navbar from a backup and then repeat the above steps.

How to do these step sir?


To restore the deleted footer and navbar from a backup in ERPNext, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your ERPNext instance as a user with the System Manager role.
  2. Go to the “File Manager” and navigate to the directory where the backup files are located. By default, backup files are stored in the “private/backups” directory.
  3. Find the backup file that contains the footer and navbar that you want to restore. The backup files are named with a timestamp and contain the data for all the documents in the system at the time of the backup.
  4. Download the backup file to your local machine.
  5. Go to the “Data Import” tool in ERPNext and select the “Restore” option.
  6. Select the backup file that you downloaded and follow the steps to restore the data.
  7. After the restore is complete, go to the website settings doctype and check if the footer and navbar are now present.
  8. If they are present, you can then try repeating the steps that caused the internal server error and see if the issue is resolved.

It’s important to note that restoring from a backup will overwrite any changes made to the system after the backup was created, so use this method with caution and always take a backup before making any major changes to the system.

Hope this will help you out.

Thank you.

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I had a three child doctype it has grid view selected
And i added in that another “Content” doctype having the three child doctypes
After that i added the Content doctype in a webform. I Checked the webform by customize option but it has only webfields section in table there is no option for column.

--------------Customize content--------------

---------here the web fields is available------

In my development I am using web forms and I need to modify the standard Frappe success message depending on the context.

Searching for information on how to do this I found your question, but I see that you did not receive any response in a year.

Were you finally able to change the success message?

It turned out to be quite easy.

I assigned the appropriate values ​​to the success_title, success_message and success_url fields of the doctype Web Form that I am dynamically creating to generate surveys.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you all for the content on this forum.