Is there any way to create read-only users? I need to create an admin user with access to everything, but I want them to only be able to view, not edit, anything. How can I do that?
Thank you
It is possible. But not easy or quick.
You’d have to create your own, custom Role:
Your new Role would need to include every DocType. For each DocType you included, you’d want to mark the “Read” checkbox (and optionally Print, Email, Report, or Share).
Depending on what Apps you have installed, there could be many dozens (and probably hundreds) of DocTypes. So this Role would take a while to build manually. But if you have a Python or SQL developer, they could write a script to auto-build the Role fairly easily, and save you a bunch of typing.
Hi Brian, thank you for sending the URL so I can look into it, and for the hint that it can also be done by creating a script