Ready to use Virtual Machine preconfigured Frappe/ERPNext all its dependencies

I have created a new Virtual Machine in which I have installed:

  • Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS
  • Frappe Framework v14.12.0 (version-14)
  • ERPNext v14.3.1 (version-14)
  • Payments v0.0.1 (develop)
  • Frappe HR v1.0.0 (develop)
  • India Compliance v14.0.1 (version-14)
  • Frappe Chat v0.0.1 (main)

All things are working in my primary testing.

I am sharing with hope that it will help someone who is looking to setup a VM for using or testing ERPNext.

I have enabled Developer mode.
SSH is also configured and enabled.

ERPNext is in the folder called erp14.

If interested please download it from here:

Login Name is: self
Password is admin

MariaDB password is also admin.



Thank you for sharing

do you have Virtual Machine for latest ErpNext V13?

I have installed NoteJS version 14 so you will be able to install ERPNext 13 in this VM easily.

Try these commands.

bench init erp13 --version version-13

cd erp13

bench get-app --branch version-13 erpnext --init-bench --resolve-deps

If the init command fails then you may have to issue this command

export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8

And then retry init command.


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I just tested your VM and it is working great.

I note one thing and that is, that it is working faster then Ubunty Desktop VM that I am currently using.

Thanks for the VM!


Yogi Yang

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If a user is using Virtual Box to run this VM then one can use the following command to start the VM in invisible/headless mode.

<Path to Virtual Box>\VBoxManage.exe startvm "Ubuntu22.04" --type headless

Here "Ubuntu22.04" is the name of your VM.

Issue this command and then wait for around 2 minutes for the VM to start and then you can use Putty to login via SSH to access the VM.

To shutdown a headless VM one can issue the following command.

<Path to Virtual Box>\VBoxManage.exe controlvm "Ubuntu22.04" acpipowerbutton

To poweroff a headless VM one can issue the following command.

<Path to Virtual Box>\VBoxManage.exe controlvm "Ubuntu22.04" poweroff

To put to sleep a headless VM one can issue the following command.

<Path to Virtual Box>\VBoxManage.exe controlvm "Ubuntu22.04" acpisleepbutton

Hope this helps.


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Thank you for this VM set, Can we convert it from http to https?

Actually No.

I don’t know how to setup up host and/or virtual domain because without a valid domain, Let’s Encrypt SSL cannot be installed and configured.

If I am wrong I am ready to be corrected.


okay. So i have opened this image in virtual box and entered above credentials but still localhost:8080 is not working. Anything i am missing…?

You cannot use localhost.

You will have to use the IP address displayed when the server starts and you log into it.

For example in my case it is:


It seems you forgot to start Bench.

Give the following commands after you log in.

cd erp14
bench start


There should be official foundation virtual machines available. Allowing community members to share untrusted virtual machines is dangerous.

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You are correct!!

Please take the initiative and help Frappe to setup an official VM from your end.


As I pointed out here frappe have withdrawn their official support for their VM:

This is advertised in the v13 github repo README

It looks like the new officially supported method is a docker deployment, even though this is less widely supported, especially on Windows & Mac, and more difficult to deploy reliably.

It wouldn’t be official if I did it.

@yogeshvachhani It Worked. But can you create a step by step guide to create Ready to use VM as that will be helpful for community as well.


For installing Ubuntu Server in the VM I followed this guide.

After installing Ubuntu Server in the VM successfully, I followed this guide.

While following the guide the only change that I made was installing NodeJS 14 instead of 16 so that if one requires on can install ERPNext 13 also.


Thanks a lot