Really need your help. redirect_uri is http, not https [SOLVED]

Hi, I’m following:

to get my Google Contacts sync’ed.

The ERPNext instance is behind Nginx 443 reverse proxy, and itself runs on 80.

I’ve checked the request_uri is correct in Google; I specified https://.

But clicking on Authorise Google Contacts Access button, the redirect_uri is http:// in the error msg:

Why is this so? Please please help!

PS: in site_config.json, nginx_port is 443 at the moment.

Edit: further reading other posts, like Google Oauth / social login fail on HTTPS site (SOLVED), I am sure the Authorised JavaScript origins and Authorised redirect URIs are both using https:// in Google Cloud Console.

However, both Social Login and Google Contacts sync will fail and says redirect_uri is http://!!!

May be frappe is not set up to recognise https://???

Got it solved!

Frappe running behind reverse proxy using 80 is the culprit! I changed it to run 443, and now Google, FB can redirect back.

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