Realtime Update for Messages

I am using Frappe CRM app in my Local server, In Whatsapp message not updating in realtime,

also in Raven also messages not updating in realtime, i want to refresh tab to get new messages

is there any issue in any app part from crm?

The issue is with your web socket connection. If you’ve self hosted the site, check the status of the node process for in supervisor.

I checked with this commands

user@user:~/frappe-bench$ sudo supervisorctl status
frappe-bench-node-socketio       STOPPED   May 18 12:38 PM
user@user:~/frappe-bench$ sudo supervisorctl start frappe-bench-node-socketio
frappe-bench-node-socketio: ERROR (spawn error)

any solution ?

It’s possible that the socket configuration is incorrect. Usually happens with mismatch of node version and the path in supervisor config for

Check here: Frappe-bench-web:frappe-bench-node-socketio: ERROR (spawn error)