Hi guys, I wanted to move 2 businesses that I manage to ERPNext, I plan to deploy 2 separate docker instances/containers, one for each business, and possibly add up to 5 instances in the future, and was wondering if the following specs can handle them:
- 4 cores EPYC Milan vCPU
- 60GB NVMe 4.0 RAID-10
- 2TB Monthly Bandwidth
I’m also looking into a VDS instead with the following specs from Hetzner:
2 dedicated EPYC cores, 8GB RAM, 80GB NVMe Storage and 20TB Monthly Bandwidth.
More info on the brands that I handle, one of them is a beauty product brand, while they handle 50-100 emails/tickets per day, I expect to have 5 to 12 concurrent users. The other brand is a tech startup so it’s just a single person running the business at the moment, but I expect it to have about the same staff headcount in the future.