Redirect to the doctype functionality by clicking on button

I have custom doctype by the name of Order Sheet.
When i save the form, The “Create” Start To display which is also a custom button.

What i want when i click on create Button, “Bom Sheet”(this is also custom doctype) Option should display.
And when i click on Bom Sheet, i should redirect to the Bom Sheet.

This functionality is just like the Material Request, Purchase Order and many other forms.

Hi @Aditya_vig1,

Please check the example.

frappe.ui.form.on('Order Sheet', {
	refresh: function(frm) {
		frm.add_custom_button(__("Bom Sheet"), () => {
		    frappe.new_doc("Bom Sheet", {
                // add other field
		}, __("Create"));