Redis in erpnext

Why use redis in erpnext? Can we another option?

Redis is often used in ERPNext for several key reasons, primarily related to performance and real-time capabilities. Here’s why Redis is chosen and what alternatives you might consider:

Why Use Redis in ERPNext?

  1. Caching:
  • Performance Improvement: Redis is used to cache database queries and other data, significantly improving the performance and speed of the application by reducing the load on the primary database.
  • In-Memory Storage: As an in-memory data store, Redis allows quick read and write access to frequently accessed data.
  1. Job Queue:
  • Background Jobs: ERPNext uses Redis to manage background jobs with the help of Celery or RQ (Redis Queue). This is essential for handling tasks that should not block the main execution thread, such as sending emails, generating reports, or processing long-running tasks.
  1. Real-Time Updates:
  • Pub/Sub Messaging: Redis provides a publish/subscribe mechanism that allows real-time updates and notifications across the system. This is useful for real-time dashboards, notifications, and other dynamic features.
  1. Session Storage:
  • Session Management: Redis can be used to store user session data, which helps in managing user sessions efficiently, especially in a distributed environment.

Alternatives are

  1. RabbitMQ:
  2. Apache Kafka etc