Dear Users,
The below custom script was working till version 10 and when it was upgraded to v12 it gives error. Please help.
frappe.ui.form.on("Sales Invoice", {
validate: function(frm) {
total_packets = 0;
total_actual= 0;
total_qty = 0;
total_gr_ch = 0;
total_loading = 0;
total_door_delivery = 0;
total_barrier_charges = 0;
total_green_tax =0;
total_toll_tax = 0;
total_unloading_charges = 0;
total_door_pickup = 0;
total_other_charges = 0;
total_misc_charges = 0;
if (frm.doc.naming_series.substr(0,4)==="ALPL" || frm.doc.naming_series.substr(0,4)==="TEST"){
//-----------------------------Green Tax/Loading/GR Charges------------------
$.each(frm.doc.items || [], function (i, d) {
d.gr_ch = flt(d.gr_applicable_charges);
d.door_delivery = flt(d.dd_applicable_charges);
d.door_pickup = flt(d.dp_applicable_charges);
if (d.lloading_applicable) {
if (d.calculation_type === "FTL") {
d.labour_loading = flt(d.gr_actual_qty * d.labour_rate_per_kg);
} else if (d.calculation_type === "Packets") {
d.labour_loading = flt(d.qty * d.labour_rate_per_packet);
} else if (d.calculation_type === "Weight") {
d.labour_loading = flt(d.qty * d.labour_rate_per_kg);
if (d.unloading_applicable) {
if (d.calculation_type === "FTL") {
d.unloading_charges = flt(d.gr_actual_qty * d.labour_rate_per_kg);
} else if (d.calculation_type === "Packets") {
d.unloading_charges = flt(d.qty * d.labour_rate_per_packet);
} else if (d.calculation_type === "Weight") {
d.unloading_charges = flt(d.qty * d.labour_rate_per_kg);
if (d.green_tax_applicable) {
if (d.calculation_type === "FTL") {
d.green_tax = flt(d.qty * 1400);
} else if (d.calculation_type === "Packets") {
if (d.qty >= 1 && d.qty <= 50) {
d.green_tax = 100;
} else if (d.qty >= 51 && d.qty <= 100) {
d.green_tax = 250;
} else if (d.qty >= 101 && d.qty <= 200) {
d.green_tax = 500;
} else if (d.qty > 200) {
d.green_tax = 1400;
} else if (d.calculation_type === "Weight") {
if (d.qty >= 1 && d.qty <= 500) {
d.green_tax = 100;
} else if (d.qty >= 501 && d.qty <= 1000) {
d.green_tax = 250;
} else if (d.qty >= 1001 && d.qty <= 2000) {
d.green_tax = 500;
} else if (d.qty > 2000) {
d.green_tax = 1400;
} else {
d.green_tax = d.gt_applicable_charges;