Remove Default Filter

how to remove the filter of Account Paid From field .And Set new Filter.

Help @NCP

Hy @PRaful_9898

Try This Code I hope It’s Working

frappe.ui.form.on('Payment Entry', {
	refresh(frm) {
	    	frm.set_query("paid_from", function() {;

			var account_types = in_list(["Pay", "Internal Transfer"], frm.doc.payment_type) ?
				["Bank", "Cash"] : [frappe.boot.party_account_types[frm.doc.party_type]];
			return {
				filters: {
					//Set the filter as you like

Thank You!

Hi @PRaful_9898,

Why do you want to take away the filter? Is there a specific reason for removing it?

The filter is important because it sets the foundation for account types, accounts, and other elements in the code structure.

If you plan to alter the filter concept, make sure to review the General Ledger (GL) entry and Payment Ledger Entry locally first. After testing it successfully, you can then implement the changes on the live server.

Thank You!

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