Remove Description from Search Fields for Item

I need to know, is there any patch method to remove Search Field Data. E.g I need to remove Description from Search Fields

So remove it. and what is your objection to removing it. is there any issue?

Yes, we cant customize the doctypes in frappe cloud sites. That’s why i am asking about patches

But you can remove the item description via the customize form.

Frappe Cloud sites are in under Production Mode. So it can’t allows me to customize the doctype.

Hey bro :roll_eyes:

I am not asking you to go to doctype and change it. I am asking you to change through the customize form, please check the image that i provide in the post.

@NCP we are trying, one of our frappe cloud site. It needs to add fields

You can. add it.

I am removing the search filters and trying to save, it throws an mandatory error for fields

Everything is going properly, you have to do some hard work and know the customize form :wink:

Are you sure the above video from one of the frappe cloud sites

Yes, with latest version.