Remove some toolbar menu

i try to remove some menu from toolbar.
so the user dont see the menu for about, documentation, forum and report and issue…

i edit the file on

but the menu still showing up…
how to remove this menu?

Yes… you have to remove or comment code form navbar.html and after that you need to build the setup using bench build command.

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ah ok. thanks
didnt know need to build after changing somethings on frappe apps

did this including our own app?

take care of the jinja syntax it will work
use this as a reference code it hides session default and My Profile from the toolbar

				<div class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right" id="toolbar-user" role="menu">
					{% for item in navbar_settings.settings_dropdown %}
						{% if (!item.hidden) { %}
							{% if (item.item_label != "Session Defaults") { %}
								{% if (item.item_label != "My Profile") { %}
									{% if (item.route) { %}
										<a class="dropdown-item" href="{{ item.route }}">
											{%= __(item.item_label) %}
									{% } else if (item.action) { %}
										<button class="btn-reset dropdown-item" onclick="return {{ item.action }}">
											{%= __(item.item_label) %}
									{% } else { %}
										<div class="dropdown-divider"></div>
									{% } %}
								{% } %}
							{% } %}
						{% } %}

					{% endfor %}

I’m sure there is some way to override the toolbar using custom app css however I found changing the navbar html faster

if anyone has code snippet to override using custom app css then please share