2 things really.
I want to remove this highlighted area from the printed Sales Invoice as well as the UOM since I’m only doing services. A unit of measure looks a bit silly to me.
Is it possible to remove them with some built-in form builder/modification?
ahh ok, have been able to remove the commission part which is great.
Is it possible to remove the UOM and just leave the number? I can’t easily see an option for that
So very sorry, i feel like a dummy.
I can find the ‘Customize Form - Sales Invoice’ but I have no idea where I find the ‘Customize Form - Sales Invoice Item’.
I’ve looked in ‘Customize Form - Sales Invoice’ but can not see any reference to a Stock UOM field so I’m obviously lost.
Sorry, more pointing in the right direction would be truly great.
Again, sorry for not knowing my way around, just yet