Remove "View this on our website" from email footer

Hello, can you please advise how to remove the ‘View this on our website’ link at the bottom of emails sent through ERPNext? For example, when I send a Sales Order as a PDF through the system, there is a link at the bottom of the email the recipient gets saying ‘View this on our website’ which I don’t want to be there.
Thanks in advance.

in v5 this is fixed and permission managed.

If you are running this yourself, you can comment out this line:

Thanks rmehta.
Right now i am running the trial version and am looking to buy a years license should the trial work to my expectations and hopes. My questions to you if I may are:

  1. Where do I find the code you referenced above?
  2. How can i get version 5?

Thanks in advance.

For the hosted version, you should send an email with your request at

V5 will be released sometime January (if all goes well!)

In version 4.x, if you check on “Disable Signup” from Website -> Setup -> Website Settings, system will not send the link “View this on our website” in email.

Hi there, here’s the solution to solve the problem in v6:

Go to:

Apps / Frappe / templates / emails / print_link.html

and comment the paragraph contents.

Kind regards