I document here what I have done to fix the issue. Beware, this means to directly modify the database and therefore you have to be extra-careful. Also, I give no guarantee that this method is correct nor that it won’t create any side effect in the future.
I dumped the entire database into a file in order to find all the occurrences of “Paradox Paris” (the OLD company name): mysqldump mydatabasename -uroot -pmyrootpassword > ~/output2.sql
I ignored the occurrences from the tables “__global-search”, “help”, “tabVersion”.
I found that the content of the table “tabCost Center” stills had a reference to “Paradox Paris”, so I deleted the two records in this table and inserted the modified records (there should be inverted quotes around the table name but they are considered as formatting marks):
INSERT INTO tabCost Center
VALUES (‘Main - P’,‘2017-09-06 23:29:21.332033’,‘2017-09-06 23:29:21.366482’,‘Administrator’,‘Administrator’,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,9,NULL,3,‘Main’,NULL,‘Paradox Europe’,NULL,0,‘Paradox Europe - P’,2,‘Paradox Europe - P’,NULL),
(‘Paradox Europe - P’,‘2017-09-06 23:29:20.863218’,‘2017-09-06 23:29:21.354717’,‘Administrator’,‘Administrator’,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,4,‘Paradox Europe’,NULL,‘Paradox Europe’,NULL,1,‘’,1,NULL,NULL);
I also found another reference to the old company in the table “tabEmail Digest” (there should be inverted quotes around the table name but they are considered as formatting marks):
INSERT INTO tabEmail Digest
VALUES (‘Default Weekly Digest - Paradox Europe’,‘2017-09-06 23:29:54.635499’,‘2017-09-06 23:29:54.635499’,‘Administrator’,‘Administrator’,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,1,1,NULL,‘Weekly’,1,1,1,1,1,NULL,1,1,1,‘Paradox Europe’,1,‘myemail@gmail.com’,1,1,1,1,NULL,NULL,1,NULL,1,1,1,1,1),(‘Scheduler Errors’,‘2017-09-06 23:29:54.708164’,‘2017-09-06 23:29:54.708164’,‘Administrator’,‘Administrator’,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,1,NULL,‘Daily’,0,0,0,0,0,NULL,0,0,0,‘Paradox Europe’,0,‘myemail@gmail.com’,0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,0,NULL,0,0,0,0,0);