Report - Impact of draft entries

How would I write a query so that I can see the impact of draft documents on the trial balance.

Lets say we have 100 payments that are waiting for approval (Post reconciliation), but I want to see the draft TB right away.

How do we create a ‘What-if’ GL report?

Draft Documents have no impact on the GL report as you may have noticed. GL Reports show you data from GL entries, which are not created until a transaction is submitted.
For a ‘What-if’ report you’d probably have to write a custom python script report and fetch data from all your transactions that would impact the General Ledger including all the taxes incurred on them. Which will of course be complex.

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There must be a ‘create_accounting’ job, which we can invoke with parameters. That would be nice :slight_smile:

I was just going to ask about this. I’m aware some other ERP systems have such a feature which makes it possible for reviewers to see the impact of Draft entries on account balances before approval. It would be really great to have such a report

@satishvijayan did you find a workaround ?

I did not find a solution. It would have to be a change to core, which allows for draft accounting entries.

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