We are unable to submit payment requests. Pressing save works great and it becomes draft status, but when I press “Submit” the request times out and eventually I receive a dialog saying the request has timed out. Other records seem to submit just fine. I noticed some recent changes / fixes on payment requests in the git log, and I wonder if that has introduced something that is causing it to timeout?
I have not yet configured email settings, so I thought it might be related to that. However, when I tried to configure a new email domain, I also get the same timeout error when I try to save. I am not sure if this is a bug in the code, or something I have mis-configured. If I need to open an issue on github instead, please let me know.
I am happy to provide any information that may be helpful.
web.error.log: "[CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT (pid:23343)"
Current ERPNext commit: commit 0d0d3bacd7d31055b575639dc9bf2595ba229caf
Bellow is a copy of the Post parameters as recored by firebug (with some personal details removed):
doc={“naming_series”:“PR”,“creation”:“2017-05-10 19:21:25.485245”,“doctype”:“Payment Request”,“currency”:“OMR”,“owner”:“myemail@mydomain”,“message”:“Hello,
\n\nRequesting payment against Sales Order SO-00001 for amount (removed)
\n\n<a href="{{ payment_url }}">Make Payment\n\nIf you have any questions, please get back to us.
\n\nThank you for your business!
”,“subject”:“Payment Request for SO-00001”,“reference_doctype”:“Sales Order”,“modified_by”:“myemail@mydomain”,“docstatus”:0,“status”:“Draft”,“reference_name”:“SO-00001”,“mute_email”:0,“email_to”:“myemail”,“print_format”:“Standard”,“grand_total”:17.55,“name”:“PR00001”,“idx”:0,“modified”:“2017-05-10 19:21:25.485245”,“make_sales_invoice”:0,“__last_sync_on”:“2017-05-10T15:25:39.977Z”}