Requirements for ticket cum task management

I am evaluating ERPNext for our ticket cum task management requirements. I could not find out whether below requirements are as available out-of-the-box or not :

  1. Ability to automatically identify the client and client site using the “from” email address in the clients incoming email. This would also need the ability to store all client email ids.
  2. Under a ticket - ability to create tasks, delegate tasks (set the task owner), set task status (open / closed). find employee and department productivity based on tasks (task completion duration). We don’t want to do task management in comments since it’ll not give the ability to track tasks with their status and also not give monitor employee + department performance report.
  3. Employee and department wise performance report based on the time taken for them to close their tasks
  4. set ticket of different types - query / complain / feedback / service request / product request

You need to create customers and their email IDs in the system through contacts.

If an email ID/contact is linked to that customer, the system will pick up the same when an email drops in.

The issue (ticket) option should have this already:

If not, you can customize the system to work as such

You may need to create a customized report for this:

There’s an issue type field already to address this:


Thanks a lot !