Reset Password is not working

After clicking on forgot password I got reset link to my registered email. Even after giving new password and confirm password value , Confirm button is not allowing to confirm. It is blocking. I have given password as per Hints mentioned. Still it is not allowing to click on Confirm button.

Any help is highly appreciated.


Please check in browser console for any Java Script errors. Alternatively, you may try with different browser.


Divyesh Mangroliya

Thank you for the quick reply. What I observed is we need to have 3 inputs

  1. old password
    2.New password
    3.Confirm Password.

after clicking link, old password input box is displayed for fraction of second and disappears . Only new and confirm password inbox are visible. Is this a bug?


For Reset Password Link, you don’t need your old password.


Divyesh M.

I have below versions installed where there is some glitch in UI for forgot password.
erpnext 14.1.2
frappe 14.48.1

with latest versions forgot password is working fine. Thanks,