Reset Role permission Manager settings

Hi All,

Is it possible to reset all Role Permission Manager settings.

I want to remove all the roles assign to users, and also delete the role permission manager settings in which i mentioned which user role can do what with specific doctype. and then Setup again.

I can’t delete users because they are linked with multiple invoices and other items.
Is it possible ?

Thank You

Delete Custom DocPerm documents

can you please share path i’m unable to find it.


Goto Doctype List ,
Search Custom DocPerm and open it then click the Goto Custom DocPerm
It will redirect to the Custom DocPerm List then select the permission you want and delete it

oK Thanks

If it work means, make it as a solution to future reference

will check and update the status, thank you

You can easily restore the permission for the specific doctype.

@NCP thanks and what do you mean by LEAD ?

No i just share the example :sweat_smile:

Select your doctype and reset/restore the permission

Got it thank you, and also can you share what exactly happen if i delete the Custom DocPerm
will it do the same ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Yes you can just select the role and restore…