[Resolved]Nothing new in stock summary after submitted stock reconciliation (Opening Stock)

We are facing the issue regarding the stock reconciliation.
After submitted the Opening stock successfully, we can see nothing in stock summary,
which means no new real items came.
We just see the records in Stock Ledger, but the balanced qty shows zero and balance value shows zero as well.
How can we fix that issue?

BTW, The item is enabled serial no and batch no. so after submitted in stock reconciliation, we can see serial no and batch no added accordingly.
And, maintain stock option in item master is selected.

Version info
ERPNext: v12.10.1 (version-12)

Frappe Framework: v12.8.1 (version-12)

The issue has been fixed by using Stock → Stock Entry → Material Receipt if the item enabled serial No. and batch No.
Just enter the target warehouse and leave source warehouse blank.
