REST API example for Sales Invoice

Hi community,

This is an example for getting a Sales Invoice via the REST API (version 4)




On Monday, May 26, 2014 12:15:08 PM UTC+3, Pratik Vyas wrote:
Hi community,

This is an example for getting a Sales Invoice via the REST API (version 4)

-- he b

Thanks a lot Pratik for the help. But the problem is that i don't know how to login to the REST API let alone to retirive values from salesinvoice and pass to a text file(part of integration). I chose ERPNext because it is very easy to use and most of the activities within it fits as our companies requirement. Other wise i am totally new to it and also to the system that hosts ERPNext for that matter (the frappe or the Ubunto OS). I am now going to shift from Windows and its derivatives  to yours system. I urge you to show me how this is done at least ones please.
Labora International Trading PLC




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Thanks a lot Pratik for the help. But the problem is that i don’t know how
to login to the REST API let alone to retirive values from salesinvoice and
pass to a text file(part of integration).

Using the REST API requires no knowlege of the technology in ERPNext.
All that is required from the language/platform on which you’re
integrating on is sending HTTP request.

As you can see, you have to send an HTTP request to login and another
request to retrieve the sales invoice (using the cookies sent by the
server in the previous request).

I chose ERPNext because it is very
easy to use and most of the activities within it fits as our companies
requirement. Other wise i am totally new to it and also to the system that
hosts ERPNext for that matter (the frappe or the Ubunto OS). I am now going
to shift from Windows and its derivatives to yours system. I urge you to
show me how this is done at least ones please.

Thanks for choosing ERPNext. You can take help from the community to
implement your integration (if it’s not that urgent). Anyways, can you
share which language are you implementing your integration on? For
example, if it’s dot net, then someone from the community can help you
out. At Web Notes, we know only Python and Javascript.



Hi Pratik,

Let me try to make this very simple. 
I created a custom button called Print to POS. Now when the casheir at the client machine clicks this button, it should collect some information from the invoice (like customer name, address, Tin no, Item code, Item name, Quantity,price, discount, vat etc) and write to a text file on a client machine let say to a destination D:\POSfolder\posfile.txt. After that the POS software installed on the client machine handles the printing of the Sales invoice as well as  a slip from the POS machine attached to the client computer. This is phase one. let us try to handle this scenario


On Monday, May 26, 2014 12:15:08 PM UTC+3, Pratik Vyas wrote:
Hi community,

This is an example for getting a Sales Invoice via the REST API (version 4)





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This is out of scope for us. It will be best if you engage a professional developer / freelancer to help you out with this.



On 27-May-2014, at 12:36 pm, Khalid Abdu Said <> wrote:

Hi Pratik,

Let me try to make this very simple. 
I created a custom button called Print to POS. Now when the casheir at the client machine clicks this button, it should collect some information from the invoice (like customer name, address, Tin no, Item code, Item name, Quantity,price, discount, vat etc) and write to a text file on a client machine let say to a destination D:\POSfolder\posfile.txt. After that the POS software installed on the client machine handles the printing of the Sales invoice as well as  a slip from the POS machine attached to the client computer. This is phase one. let us try to handle this scenario


On Monday, May 26, 2014 12:15:08 PM UTC+3, Pratik Vyas wrote:
Hi community,

This is an example for getting a Sales Invoice via the REST API (version 4)





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Hi Rushab,
we all know that it is possible to put a button on a sales invoice or any doctype for that matter ya, but isn't it possible to  write some script on the buttons click event?

On Monday, May 26, 2014 12:15:08 PM UTC+3, Pratik Vyas wrote:
Hi community,

This is an example for getting a Sales Invoice via the REST API (version 4)





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You can write Custom Scripts here:


On 27-May-2014, at 5:06 pm, Khalid Abdu Said <> wrote:

Hi Rushab,
we all know that it is possible to put a button on a sales invoice or any doctype for that matter ya, but isn't it possible to  write some script on the buttons click event?

On Monday, May 26, 2014 12:15:08 PM UTC+3, Pratik Vyas wrote:
Hi community,

This is an example for getting a Sales Invoice via the REST API (version 4)





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Hi community,

I created a custom button called Print to POS in SalesInvoice. when i click this button from client machine, it should collect some information from the invoice (like customer name, address, Tin no, Item code, Item name, Quantity,price, discount, vat etc) and write it to a text file on a client machine let say to a destination D:\POSfolder\posfile.txt.
can any one help me in creating this custom script.
Thanks in Advance

On Monday, May 26, 2014 12:15:08 PM UTC+3, Pratik Vyas wrote:
Hi community,

This is an example for getting a Sales Invoice via the REST API (version 4)





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Ay example on how to post a sales invoice from another invoice system to ERP NEXT. Am working on a project to integrate my point of sales system with ERPNEXt using the web api. So far am abl to do customer not i want to do sales invoice but am getting this error: Error: Data missing in table: Items

'Sync credit invoice
Dim jinvoiceheader As New InvoiceHeaderManager
Dim jihlist As List(Of InvoiceHeader) = jinvoiceheader.InvoiceHeaderData(“U”)

    'ERP Next Object
    Dim new_erp_salesinvoice As New ERPObject(DocType.SalesInvoice)

    'insert invoice header from database
    For Each joogleinvoice In jihlist
        With joogleinvoice
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.title = jihlist(0).customerid
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.naming_series = "SINV"
   = "SINV" & jihlist(0).invoicenumber
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.customer_name = jihlist(0).customerid
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.is_pos = 0
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.is_return = 0
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.posting_date = jihlist(0).invoicedate
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.due_date = jihlist(0).duedate
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.selling_price_list = "Standard Selling"
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.price_list_currency = "JMD"
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.total_billing_amount = 0
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.base_total = jihlist(0).subtotal
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.base_net_total = jihlist(0).subtotal
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.net_total = jihlist(0).subtotal
   = jihlist(0).subtotal
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.base_total_taxes_and_charges = jihlist(0).tax
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.total_taxes_and_charges = jihlist(0).tax
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.apply_discount_on = "Grand Total"
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.base_grand_total = jihlist(0).invoiceamount
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.base_rounded_total = jihlist(0).invoiceamount
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.grand_total = jihlist(0).invoiceamount
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.rounded_total = jihlist(0).invoiceamount
            'new_erp_salesinvoice.Currency.total_advance = 0
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.account_for_change_amount = "Cash - CPXZ"
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.source = "Joogle API"
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.debit_to = "Debtors - CPXZ"
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.against_income_account = "Sales - CPXZ"
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.joogle_invoice_number = jihlist(0).invoicenumber
            new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.import_status = "U"
        End With
1 Like

Any help with inserting the sales invoice, then submitted. Am not using the GitHub - gizmofort/gizmofort.connector.erpnext: Simple C# REST API for ERPNext API in C# but am not seeing the submit function.

hi @Jermaine_Gray
did you get the solution of your problem?

Yes it work
I used the onsubmit = 1 and docstatus = 1 in the api.

For Each joogleinvoice In openjihlist
With joogleinvoice
Dim jihlist As List(Of MainRecieptDetailMaster) = jinvoiceheader.GetAllInvoiceDetail(openjihlist(0).invoicenumber)
Dim jinvoicelist As List(Of InvoiceDetail) = invoicedetailjm.InvoiceDetailData(openjihlist(0).invoicenumber, jaccountsetup_Sales(0).iaccountname, jaccountsetup_Main(0).iaccountname, jaccountsetup_COGS(0).iaccountname, jaccountsetup_Margin(0).type, jaccountsetup_Sales(0).iaccountname)

                    Dim jinvoicepayment As List(Of InvoicePaymentMaster) = invoicepaymentjm.ShowPaymentERPNEXT(openjihlist(0).invoicenumber)

                    currentinvoicenumber = openjihlist(0).invoicenumber

                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.items = jinvoicelist
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.title = jihlist(0).invoicenumber & "-" & jihlist(0).companyname & "-" & jihlist(0).invoicedate
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.naming_series = "SINV-"
           = "SINV-" & jihlist(0).invoicenumber
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.customer_name = jihlist(0).companyname
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.customer = jihlist(0).companyname
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.is_pos = 1
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.is_return = 0
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.update_stock = 1
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.offline_pos_name = "SINV-" & jihlist(0).invoicenumber
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.posting_date = jihlist(0).invoicedate
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.due_date = jihlist(0).duedate
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.selling_price_list = "Standard Selling" 'jihlist(0).pricelist
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.price_list_currency = defaultcustomervar(0).currency
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.total_billing_amount = jihlist(0).invoicetotal
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.base_total = jihlist(0).subtotal
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.base_net_total = jihlist(0).subtotal
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.net_total = jihlist(0).subtotal
           = jihlist(0).subtotal
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.taxes = jtax
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.taxes_and_charges = "GCT" 'jihlist(0).tax1name
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.total_taxes_and_charges = jihlist(0).tax
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.apply_discount_on = "Net Total"
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.payments = jinvoicepayment
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.account_for_change_amount = jaccountsetup_Cash(0).iaccountname
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.debit_to = jaccountsetup_Debtors(0).iaccountname
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.against_income_account = jaccountsetup_Sales(0).iaccountname
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.import_status = "P"
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.status = "Paid"
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.submit_on_creation = 1
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.joogle_invoice = jihlist(0).invoicenumber
                    new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.docstatus = 1
                End With

Thank i’ll try it in C#.

Hello ,

Any example for creating sales invoice items object for gizmofort.connector.erpnext use ?

Yes…But only in VB. you will have to convert you code
Public Function synerp()

        If CheckForInternetConnection() = True Then

            Dim setapploger As New AppLogerMaster With {.description = "Unable to reach ERP Please check you internet or contact support.",
                                      .documentno = 0,
                                      .logdate = Date.Now,
                                      .modulename = "Joogle ERP Connection",
                                      .recordrecived = 0,
                                      .status = "Not Connected",
                                      .recordsent = 0}

            Dim setapplogervar As New AppLogerManager
            Exit Function
        End If

        'Connect to ERP over web API
        Dim client = New ERPNextClient(itemmastersetting(0).webapiurl, session.emailaddress, (epasswordvar.Decrypt(session.password.Trim())))

        Dim new_erp_salesinvoice As New ERPObject(DocType.SalesInvoice)

        Dim openjihlist As List(Of InvoiceHeader) = jinvoiceheader.InvoiceHeaderData("")
        If openjihlist.Count > 0 Then
            'Do Until openjihlist.Count = 0
            '    Exit Do
            Dim getgetcompany As New InvoiceTotal
            Dim setprintcompany As List(Of InvoiceTotalMaster) = getgetcompany.GetItemCompany(openjihlist(0).invoicenumber)

            If setprintcompany.Count = 1 Then

                Dim jaccountsetup_Sales As List(Of AccountingSetupMaster) = inv_account.GetAccountSetupAction("ERPCredit", "PointOfSales", "Auto", setprintcompany(0).company)

                Dim jaccountsetup_Cash As List(Of AccountingSetupMaster) = inv_account.GetAccountSetupAction("PaymentCredit", "Payment", "Manual", setprintcompany(0).company)

                Dim jaccountsetup_Main As List(Of AccountingSetupMaster) = inv_account.GetAccountSetupAction("CC", "ERP", "Manual", setprintcompany(0).company)

                Dim jaccountsetup_COGS As List(Of AccountingSetupMaster) = inv_account.GetAccountSetupAction("COGS", "PointOfSales", "Auto", setprintcompany(0).company)

                Dim jaccountsetup_Margin As List(Of AccountingSetupMaster) = inv_account.GetAccountSetupAction("MarginType", "PointOfSales", "Auto", setprintcompany(0).company)

                Dim jerptaxaccountlist As List(Of AccountingSetupMaster) = inv_account.GetERPTaxInfo("ERPTax")

                Dim jtax As List(Of InvoiceHeader) = jinvoiceheader.ERpTaxCalculater(openjihlist(0).invoicenumber, jerptaxaccountlist(0).iaccountname, jerptaxaccountlist(0).appmodule, jerptaxaccountlist(0).accountname, 0, jerptaxaccountlist(0).description)

                Dim jaccountsetup_Debtors As List(Of AccountingSetupMaster) = inv_account.GetAccountSetupAction("ERPDebit", "PointOfSales", "Auto", setprintcompany(0).company)

                'CUSTOMER SETTING
                Dim defaultcustomervar As List(Of CustomerMaster) = customeridentity.FindCustomer(session.location, session.customerid)
                For Each joogleinvoice In openjihlist
                    With joogleinvoice
                        Dim jihlist As List(Of MainRecieptDetailMaster) = jinvoiceheader.GetAllInvoiceDetail(openjihlist(0).invoicenumber)
                        Dim jinvoicelist As List(Of InvoiceDetail) = invoicedetailjm.InvoiceDetailData(openjihlist(0).invoicenumber, jaccountsetup_Sales(0).iaccountname, jaccountsetup_Main(0).iaccountname, jaccountsetup_COGS(0).iaccountname, jaccountsetup_Margin(0).type, jaccountsetup_Sales(0).iaccountname)

                        Dim jinvoicepayment As List(Of InvoicePaymentMaster) = invoicepaymentjm.ShowPaymentERPNEXT(openjihlist(0).invoicenumber)

                        currentinvoicenumber = openjihlist(0).invoicenumber

                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.items = jinvoicelist
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.title = jihlist(0).invoicenumber & "-" & jihlist(0).companyname & "-" & jihlist(0).invoicedate
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.naming_series = "SINV-"
               = "SINV-" & jihlist(0).invoicenumber
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.customer_name = jihlist(0).companyname
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.customer = jihlist(0).companyname
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.is_pos = 1
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.is_return = 0
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.update_stock = 1
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.offline_pos_name = "SINV-" & jihlist(0).invoicenumber
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.posting_date = jihlist(0).invoicedate
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.due_date = jihlist(0).duedate
                        'new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.selling_price_list = "Standard Selling" 'jihlist(0).pricelist
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.price_list_currency = defaultcustomervar(0).currency
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.total_billing_amount = jihlist(0).invoicetotal
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.base_total = jihlist(0).subtotal
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.base_net_total = jihlist(0).subtotal
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.net_total = jihlist(0).subtotal
               = jihlist(0).subtotal
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.taxes = jtax
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.taxes_and_charges = "GCT" 'jihlist(0).tax1name
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.total_taxes_and_charges = jihlist(0).tax
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.apply_discount_on = "Net Total"
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.base_discount_amount = jihlist(0).customersaving
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.payments = jinvoicepayment
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.account_for_change_amount = jaccountsetup_Cash(0).iaccountname
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.debit_to = jaccountsetup_Debtors(0).iaccountname
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.against_income_account = jaccountsetup_Sales(0).iaccountname
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.import_status = "P"
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.status = "Paid"
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.submit_on_creation = 1
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.joogle_invoice = jihlist(0).invoicenumber
                        new_erp_salesinvoice.Data.docstatus = 1
                    End With

                    'Dim update_erp_salesinvoice As New ERPObject(DocType.SalesInvoice)
                    'update_erp_salesinvoice.Data.status = "Paid"

                    'Dim update_erp_salesinvoice As New ERPObject(DocType.SalesInvoice)
                    'update_erp_salesinvoice.Data.status = "Paid"





                'For Each openinvoice In openjihlist



                Dim setapploger As New AppLogerMaster With {.description = "Invoice data upload successfull.",
                                      .documentno = 0,
                                      .logdate = Date.Now,
                                      .modulename = "Joogle ERP Invoice",
                                      .recordrecived = 0,
                                      .status = "Success",
                                      .recordsent = openjihlist.Count}

                Dim setapplogervar As New AppLogerManager

            End If


                Dim setapploger As New AppLogerMaster With {.description = "No Data to Upload.",
                                     .documentno = 0,
                                     .logdate = Date.Now,
                                     .modulename = "Joogle ERP Invoice",
                                     .recordrecived = 0,
                                     .status = "No Data",
                                     .recordsent = openjihlist.Count}

            Dim setapplogervar As New AppLogerManager

        End If

    Catch ex As Exception
        MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Invoice not upload. Error in data")

        Dim setapploger As New AppLogerMaster With {.description = ex.Message,
                                                 .documentno = currentinvoicenumber,
                                                 .logdate = Date.Now,
                                                 .modulename = "Joogle ERP Invoice",
                                                 .recordrecived = 0,
                                                 .status = "Error",
                                                 .recordsent = 0}

        Dim setapplogervar As New AppLogerManager


    End Try

End Function

Hello Everyone,
Am working on extending the DocType for GizmoFort.Connector.ERPNext to include all major DocTypes for integration. This can be in C# and I will do a Java wraper for user with android integration need. The new code will be post in the orignal github for GitHub - gizmofort/gizmofort.connector.erpnext: Simple C# REST API for ERPNext. If anyone need a new Doctype before am finish please let me know.

Thanks to gizmofort · GitHub for creating the orignal code

Integrating your point-of-sale (POS) system with ERPNext using the web API to post sales invoices requires ensuring that ERPNext recognizes the items listed in your invoices. Here’s how to tackle the “Data missing in table: Items” error:

The Issue:

ERPNext throws this error if it can’t find the items in your sales invoices within its own item database. This could be because:

Missing Items: The items haven’t been created in ERPNext yet.
Incorrect Mapping: The item names or identifiers from your POS system don’t match ERPNext’s.

Pre-Create Items: Create the necessary items in ERPNext first, providing details like names, descriptions, stock information (if applicable), and sales taxes. You can do this manually or automate it with a script based on your POS system’s item data.

Map Item IDs/Names: If creating items beforehand isn’t feasible, establish a mapping between your invoice maker item IDs or names and their corresponding identifiers in ERPNext. Modify your sales invoice data to use the identifiers that ERPNext recognizes.

Error Handling (Optional): If pre-creation or mapping isn’t ideal, consider error handling in your integration script. When it encounters the “Items” error, it can identify the missing items, attempt to create them in ERPNext (if allowed), or log the issue for manual intervention. This way, you can resume processing successful invoices or retry failed ones after fixing the missing item problem.