REST API for Report

I’m trying to get report through REST API. I found one way from older post in this forum, but it return me an error like this:

Anybody knows how to do query report through API or why i get this kind of errror


Balance sheet report is based on two types, “Fiscal Year” and “Date Range”.

Please pass the filter parameters for report based on, either fiscal year or date range and accordingly either pass fiscal year range or date range.

Thanks @mangroliya
I’m accessing balance sheet on my demo instance and my url looks like this:


and it showing

But when i try to pass these parameters to my postman, i get nothing:

is someone can help me for this issue? why my query return nothing?

Please help on this issue.
How to at least get my report from ERPNext API?

Hi @oscarutomo,

We make a api response link for data show:{%22company%22:%22Solufy%22,%22filter_based_on%22:%22Date%20Range%22,%22period_start_date%22:%222022-04-01%22,%22period_end_date%22:%222023-03-31%22,%22periodicity%22:%22Yearly%22}

In postman does not work because login is mandatory for it but you use in browser URL and past it then shows properly.

Thank You!

Thanks @NCP … found why mine cannot works.
“filter_based_on” should be “Date Range”. meanwhile, i’m using “Fiscal Year”

but either postman or browser, it works well

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Correction, it’s not the matter of “filter_based_on” but the matter of “Company”. on my filters parameter, i don’t pass “company” name.