I try to send a POST REST call to the erpnext API but I only get a 500 HTTP status code with no body content at all in return.
Can’t find any trace of my API requests in the logfiles either. (Searching in …/frappe-bench/logs/*.log)
GET requests work fine.
I try to create a new Timesheet via REST API:
f"{erp_base_url}/api/resource/Timesheet" >>
{“company”: “test GmbH”,
“employee”: “EMP/0001”,
“time_logs”: [
{“activity_type”: “Communication”,
“from_time”: “2019-09-02 08:30:00”,
“project”: “awsome.project”,
“task”: “TASK00064”,
“to_time”: “2019-09-02 10:30:00”}]
Could somebody tell me where I could check for further error logging options?
Thank you all for your work!